un guide anglophone

est votre espace de discussion général pour partager vos expériences quotidiennes, poser vos questions et échanger sur tous les sujets liés à la grossesse, aux bébés, et aux premières années de vie de votre enfant. Que vous souhaitiez parler d'une petite victoire du jour, d'un défi parental, ou simplement partager un moment de vie, cet espace est le vôtre. Rejoignez la communauté pour échanger et soutenir d'autres parents comme vous, jour après jour
Messages : 12
Inscription : lun. nov. 25, 2024 6:19 am

un guide anglophone

Message par alicat »


If anybody out there reads English, a friend of mine is publishing her 3rd edition of a fantastic guide in English called Know-It-All Parents. It's full of information for English-speaking parents in the Geneva/Nyon/Lausanne/France voisine areas. It will be published in September but meanwhile, please visit her website: www.knowitall.ch if you're interested.

I'm "plugging" her book for her because she's worked jolly hard on it and deserves her success but mostly because it's a useful and friendly publication. Maybe she should do a French language version?

Best wishes,
Messages : 244
Inscription : lun. nov. 25, 2024 6:14 am

re: un guide anglophone

Message par xanadu »


What kind of informations are in this book?
Messages : 12
Inscription : lun. nov. 25, 2024 6:19 am

re: un guide anglophone

Message par alicat »

Just about everything you can think of that is relative to children! From pregnancy to chidbirth and on up to teenagers. Information on where to give birth, how to find a good midwife, where to buy children's clothing, what to do with children on a rainy day... the list goes on! Please have a look at the author's website www.knowitall.ch or look out for her book in Payot, Fnac and other large bookstores as of September!

Thank you for your interest.